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It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas…

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

…well not yet it isn’t, but it will. Clunes Neighbourhood House has supported Christmas in Clunes for nearly 10 years and over that time the decorations, events and festivities have morphed to match the community’s capacity, ideas and during covid, safety. This year it's been the same, and for that reason (ironically), things might look a little different.

*Bookings open Monday, 6th November 2023 at

People’s enthusiasm for the parade and traditional decorations has shifted. What people are asking for is a chance to sit together and eat with their neighbours. We all want life to feel a little less hectic, so we can focus on good company and the little gestures that make life special. So…

BIG Clunes Christmas Party, Friday 8th December – 5pm – 9pm, Collins Place NEW!

Join the entire town for a sit-down Christmas dinner in Collins Place. Places are free but seats will go quick so reserve a place at a table now at, or opt for a general picnic pass. There will be entertainment, kid’s activities, Christmas competitions and a visit from Santa. Lock this in your diary now and look out for promotions.

Street Decorations NEW!

This year Clunes Neighbourhood House volunteers will be decorating the lamp posts and the rotunda. They’ll be popping up soon! The garlands and lights that have previously adorned trader's verandahs are a huge amount of work that over time, don't have the same impact of early years. Many traders are happy to help out, as are CTDA, so this year we’ll be donating the garlands and lights to each trader so they can spruce them up and decorate as they see fit. It might not look as uniform, but hey, that might be fun too? Sometimes mixing it up a bit keeps the joy alive!

Note: CTDA will be in touch with traders [thanks guys!]. They have offered to spruce up the garlands and provide red ribbons for traders to add to each.

Working out what to do for this year’s Christmas in Clunes has been a real challenge (even just psychologically because it's change?) for Clunes Neighbourhood House because of the changes involved. Thanks so much to all the groups, businesses and individuals who helped us unpack what might work! Working together certainly eased the load, but I guess that is how a good neighbourhood works 😊.

PS. Why we feel like we are busy lol?

2023 has been a big year of change for Clunes Neighbourhood House. We had to find a new home, and did, at the Former Clunes Free Lending Library. We’ve had teams of volunteers and trades working on that building since we had our house warming party in February. This term we opened our front doors for the first time, welcoming people into our office, meeting room and parlour. Works are still happening in the bathrooms, main hall and grounds. Pop in and check us out. 9.30am - 2pm, Tuesday - Thursday.

We grew our Open House meals to nearly 100 meals a week, introducing home visits to keep in touch with our neighbours and launching weekly school lunches in partnership with the primary school. We’ve done all this while running our usual programs, operating BOOM and delivering a range of exciting partnership projects including Go Local, Wellbeing Works, Living and Ageing Well in Hepburn and recently Space to Care: Connecting Carers in Clunes. This is has only been possible because of the generosity of our community, volunteers and partners.

This event is a collaboration supported by Western Victoria Primary Health Network under the Australian Government's Primary Health Networks Program.

Author: Lana de Kort, Manager

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