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NEW Design for #FoodisFree

Lana de Kort, CNH Manager

There is something special about sharing food you can’t use with others who can, isn’t there?   Being able to give, to say thanks and accept that gift, and knowing food isn’t going to waste is at the heart of the #FoodisFree movement and is why sites like Clunes get so much use.

Origins in Clunes

In Clunes the #FoodisFree stall was first implemented in partnership with Wesley College students who helped us set up a pantry under the verandah of the Lee Medlyn Home of Bottles.  Later, with the support of Hepburn Shire Council, Clunes Neighbourhood House was able to upgrade the stall with electricity and more space.  That was some years ago and that stall is now looking a little tired, and Clunes Neighbourhood House is no longer located on that site so cannot look after it or maintain it easily.

Relocation of #FoodisFree

For this reason we are looking to relocate it to the Free Lending Library at 6 Templeton Street, Clunes where Clunes Neighbourhood House is now permanently homed.  We are currently in the process of significantly improving the grounds, accessibility and infrastructure around the building and with Hepburn Shire Council’s support, will be working with local young people to relocate #FoodisFree to new facilities on this site.

Image: draft plans for 6 Templeton St, Clunes

Input into the Design

The relocation of the stall is not something we can change, but having input into its design is.   Help the Tidy Collective and a team of local young people design a new #FoodisFree stall with features that work for you by commenting in the Facebook thread or emailing

We can’t promise to include everything, but we can promise to consider all suggestions, and to let you know how we go as the team begin.  Features you might have thoughts on include:

-        Weather protection

-        Types of shelving

-        Animal/bird protection

-        Signage

Building Materials

You might even have building materials available that you’d like to donate?  The Tidy Collective will be working with Hepburn Shire’s Transfer Stations to source useful and interesting materials that can repurpose and they’ll utilise some of the materials from the existing #FoodisFree site.  Avoiding waste but demonstrating how that can be done in a way that is functional, as well as appealing, is an important part of this project.

If you do, email to let us know.

Want to get Involved in the build?

Are you a young person (under 25 years) who is interested in being part of the design and build?  Put your hand up to get involved by registering here

Acknowledgement:  This event is generously funded by the State of Victoria through Emergency Recovery Victoria’s grant program in response to the Floods which impacted Victorian communities in 2022. 

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