Safe - and Fabulous!
It's been about two weeks since face masks took their place in Regional Victoria's fight against COVID-19. We've had time to adjust to the feeling of wearing a mask, and the opportunity to work out which design sits best on our many-varied shaped faces. But now it's time to get down to the important stuff - how we can be safe, and look fabulous at the same time!

Photo: Emma Jedwab. Costume courtesy: Mel Drummond.
Fashion tips for wearing your mask with flair are popping up everywhere around the world, but in true Clunes style we've had a team of volunteers help us do that with a bit of our own, local panache.
Taking Matching Up a Level
American Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi has had a bit more practice at coordinating her outfits with her face mask than we have. However, here in Clunes we recommend going one better. Why not make sure your dog has a matching mask as well?

Photo supplied: Emma Jedwab. Costumes: Mel Drummond.
Can't See your Smile?
Mix it up a little with your accessories and you'll be guaranteed to get an answering grin when you walk by. Face masks protect you from droplets (yeesh, what a word), but even the very best of masks find it hard to hide the spark in your eye.

Photo supplied: Emma Jedwab. Costumes: Mel Drummond.
Do the Unexpected
Be seasonal. The more layers you wear in winter, the warmer you'll be. Make people work at discovering just who you are by adding something a little unexpected to your outfit. The advantage of a good face mask is that if you go a little bit too far (is that even a thing?) you can pretend it wasn't you!

Photo supplied: Emma Jedwab. Costumes: Mel Drummond.
Make it an Occasion
Staying home is helping ourselves and others keep safe from this virus. But that doesn't mean when we step out to do the essential things we need to do, that we can't do it with style. The time you save on only applying make up to half your face (forget the lippie, it's your eyes that count), you can now spend on finding just the right accessories to match your mood . Remember, gloves and scarves always add a nice twist.

Photo supplied: Emma Jedwab. Costumes: Mel Drummond.
When our faces are largely hidden it's hard to remember to have a good laugh. But it turns out that you can be safe, fabulous and funny at the same time with just a little bit of work!
AUTHOR: Lana de Kort