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Discovering your unique strengths

Lana de Kort, CNH Manager

Your unique character strengths define who you are, making you feel more authentic, alive, and fully engaged in life. Studies show that discovering your strengths and learning how to express them, not only boosts your happiness but also reduces stress, enhances workplace productivity, and strengthens your connections with others. And of course, it has a positive impact on your mental health, self-acceptance, and overall sense of well-being. Emerging research even suggests the more you apply your key strengths at work, the greater your job satisfaction, regardless of your specific role, leading to improved performance and a heightened sense of purpose.

You can find out more about the best parts of yourself by taking the VIA-IS survey, which stands for the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths. This empirically-based survey is free, although it requires sign-in, and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. After finishing the survey, you'll receive a ranking of your strengths along with brief descriptions for each one. Try to think about how you can include these strengths more in your day to day life.

Either print out or write down the identified key strengths. We’re going to use them again in another exercise.

Funded by the State Government of Victoria, Business Victoria, Mental Wellbeing of Businesses Grant Round 2.

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