Working with local people, businesses and other community groups, our goal is to contribute to the liveability of Clunes by supporting everyone to be an active part of the neighbourhood.
While Neighbourhood Houses across the country all look very different, the basic principles that underpin how a House works with its community are the same. Each House starts with the assumption that communities have existing strengths and assets that make them part of the solution – and then we approach what we do by “doing with, rather than doing for.”
Clunes Neighbourhood House was formally founded in 1992 (after operating informally before then) and incorporated in 2007 by local people seeking to provide community development opportunities to lessen social isolation and foster inclusion.​We are a membership-based organisation with individual and organisational members. Our role is to support our neighbourhood, working with individuals, businesses and community groups in Clunes.
We operate on a three-year strategic planning cycle. This gives us time to work together to co-design and embed outcomes across the community. Clunes Neighbourhood House employs a Manager, part-time Co-ordinator and part-time Project Officer. All other team members (thank you!) are volunteers.​
In 2017, we partnered with Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre and the Victorian State Government to undertake a series of research studies with local businesses to better understand the aspirational, educational and employability needs of our community. This report, Hepburn Skill Store CLUNES Report, has informed many of our projects and is an example of how we ensure we are close to our community.​ Since then we've used these learnings to build capability - piece by piece - in order to create the foundations for future proofing projects.
Read about our approach to programming.
​Download our current strategic plan.
Download our 2018-2021 plan and 2016-2018 plan to see the journey we've travelled.
Read more about our organisation here.

Our Mission
At Clunes Neighbourhood House, we engage with our local neighbourhood to develop a diverse range of opportunities that connect and strengthen our community. 
Our Vision
A community actively caring for its people and place.