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Lana de Kort, CNH Manager

Straight to the Heart of it.

Thanks to Ambulance Victoria, Clunes will have a new lifesaver (defibrillator) in town. In fact, we'll soon have two. One located at the driveway entrance of Clunes Neighbourhood House (near the ramp) which will be installed tomorrow thanks to the Clunes Men's Shed. On Friday, they will install a second defibrillator at the Clunes Bowling Club.

Photo: Two new defibrillators for Clunes - thanks to Ambulance Victoria.

Ambulance Victoria know that it takes more than just accessible equipment to restart a heart. So as part of their Shocktober promotions they are inviting people to register for free CPR training so you can learn how to use it.

FREE online training - 7pm, 15th October 2020!

All you have to do is email your name and location to to register for this short, online course.

Photo: Simple, fun 'Save a Life' packs to help you remember what you have to do!

Pop into Clunes Neighbourhood House (offices located out the back in the refurbished containers) and pick up your free 'Save a Life' pack prior to the course and discover the simple tools Ambulance Victoria have put together to make online learning easy.

Like the other defibrillators in town, these new additions are easily accessible and could end up being real lifesavers - especially if you are confident using them. Register now!

AUTHOR: Lana de Kort

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