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Wellbeing Day - FREE

This Thursday, 22nd October from 10am til 12 noon in Clunes we'll be holding the first of a series of monthly Wellbeing Days designed to help people get out of the house and re-connected as COVID restrictions ease.

Pivoting to run events is tricky, but in a collaboration with Hepburn Shire Council, Central Highlands Rural Health, Ambulance Victoria and Anglicare Victoria all four Neighbourhood Houses across the shire will be hosting a Wellbeing Day each month leading up to Christmas.

Photo: Lily Mason Yoga. This photo was taken prior to the pandemic.

With a comprehensive COVIDSafe plan in place, this Free Wellbeing Day is designed to have a little something for everyone. Activities will be held outside, so bring a sunhat or brolly to cater for the weather - as well as your face mask.

Activities will be limited to groups of 10, so we've provided links below so that you can pre-book a ticket before hand to reserve your place. Hand sanitiser will be provided and you'll need to socially distance as you catch up with people you might not have seen for a while. You'll also be required to sign in at the entry as you arrive. But that's it. The rest of the time it's about having fun during the activities - or chatting with Central Highlands Rural Health who'll be there to help you reconnect with community health appointments that you may not have been able to access in past months due to COVID.

Activities to pre-book into:

Yoga - 30 minute gentle exercise session starting at 11.15am. Bring your own mat!

Tai Chi - 1 hour session starting at 11am. Comfy clothes advised!

Children's Rhyme Time - have your kids missed their session with the library?

CPR Demonstrations - make sure you know how to use a defibrillator!

Over the last year, keeping safe has often meant staying at home or away from people. Protecting ourselves and those around us is paramount, so as restrictions ease, learning how to reconnect is actually something we have to get our heads around. We are lonely, we might not feel quite so fit anymore and sometimes we can just feel out of touch. Finding safe ways to do this takes thought, but this event is just one example of how Victorians are adapting.

Book now so we can see you there.

AUTHOR: Lana de Kort

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