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Lana de Kort, CNH Manager

What Do You Talk about Over Lunch?

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

In your household when you sit down to lunch or dinner, what do you chat about? Recently at the former Senior Citizens Centre (now known as Attitude) we've been hosting hot lunches on a Friday throughout August and having a chat with guests from Ambulance Victoria, Central Highlands Rural Health, Hepburn Shire Council, CFA and SES.

Just like having visitors at home, we've all sat around the table eating hot soup and talking. It's been a great opportunity for people new to Attitude to pop in and experience the space, as well as a chance for regulars to relax into the end of the week chatting with neighbours.

Building Connections and Preparedness

Soup and conversation sound so simple, yet these "Let's Do Lunches'" throughout August are serving two importance purposes. They are enabling people to sit down and talk about preparedness for unexpected events, like floods or fire. It's easy to read a website or flyer, but sometimes discussing plans with people round the table (and the experts who are visiting!) is more beneficial. You'd be amazed at the simple tips you can pick up.

It also creates connections. Connections with people new to town and neighbours you haven't spoken with for ages. Discussing what you'd do during an emergency reminds you how you are connected to those around you as well. Of the implications of what happens if there is a fire or flood coming towards you, and of the actions you can take.

This coming Friday we'll be talking about those Emergency Plans in more detail.

These sessions are supported by Hepburn Shire Council and generously funded by the State of Victoria through Emergency Recovery Victoria’s grant program in response to the Floods which impacted Victorian communities in 2022.

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